
The information below gives general information on participation and its benefits.

All UK-based conference and meeting venues are strongly encouraged to take part in the UKCAMS research. To be eligible, there is a requirement that a venue should have at least three meeting/conference rooms with a minimum capacity of 50 theatre-style in your largest room.


Participation in the research entails completion of a short questionnaire (either online or via a Word version) to provide details of the conference and meeting business held at your venue during the calendar year 2024.


This questionnaire is strictly confidential and the data that you provide will not be passed to any third parties except in aggregated form with other responses.



To access the online version of the questionnaire, please click on this link or visit:


Benefits for Participants


All participating venues receive a complimentary summary report once the full national report has been published. This complimentary report provides a summary of the main findings and also benchmark comparisons with other venues of a similar type to your own to enable you to assess your venue’s performance in 2024.


You will also have the opportunity to purchase the full report at a discounted price.


By participating, you will be making a vital contribution to national research into this important sector of the economy.